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handmade mobile cottoncandys family sara neves
handmade ragdolls sara neves cottoncandys family
handmade frog cottoncandys family sara neves
fox illustration sara neves
surf illustration sara neves

My name is Sara Neves, I’m married, have two daughters, a kitten called Poppy and beautiful golden fish.


Throughout my life I’ve worked in different areas, but the English language has always been present: I was a journalist, an English teacher and trainer and now, beyond the translations and occasional private English lessons, I make cloth dolls and illustrations.

When I was a teenager I already liked to embroider and I even learnt the basics of knitting and crocheting with my grandmother Leonor as a young child, but it was only when I became a mother that my love for sewing has grown. I have started by sewing everything by hand until I managed to buy my first sewing machine, afterwards I did a workshop on the basics of sewing to be able to use it.

I have always loved reading and writing my own stories, that my mother was diligently registering in small notebooks that she keeps till today. So, in a time in which I wanted and needed to change the course of my life and felt the urge of connecting myself to what made me happier, I decided to take a risk and create my project ‘CottonCandy-AlgodãoDoce’ which is now called ‘CottonCandy’s Family’.

Other passions of mine are surfing – I used to bodyboard – Yoga, books, the love for nature, for animals and the dream of moving to the countryside one day, ad have my own vegetable plot and garden with several flowers.

  I love to spread happiness everywhere I go because we all see and hear many sad things everyday, and I hope I can do it with you.

If you wish to make a custom order of my dolls or accessories or for an illustration, please drop me an email 

In the meantime, let´s get to know each other better. And I hope to show you the beautiful things that other artists are creating all over the world.

Be happy and always smile,


mouse illustration sara neves
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